Simple Rules to Creating a Perfect Weight Training Routine- By: William Donovani

Description : Have you always wanted to have a customized weight training routine to get the most out of your dieting plans? Follow these simple professional tips to help you create a specialized workout plan to drop pounds, get toned, and build muscle. When planning your weight training routines, first choose exercises which cover all your muscle groups. A personal trainer, taebo videos, or an online dietition could be good ideas if you lack expertise and knowledge during your workouts. For starters, you may want to choose about 8 to 10 exercises, with focus on one muscle group in addition to weight lifting.

Pick exercises that target specific muscle groups

At least one exercise should be picked for each of the large muscle groups. These are muscles such as the chest, biceps, back, or shoulders. Forgetting to work out some muscle group could lead to imbalance in your muscles and could cause you to hurt yourself. Professionals in the business recommend that the work out should start with the larger muscle groups before proceeding to those other minor muscle groups. The weaker muscles are required to gain the most strength from the exercises though this should not be a cause for expecting too much. In fact, varying the order in which you perform your routine could be a great way to add variability and fun in your workout.

Choose a weight limit and commit to it

The best way that you can use to figure out the amount of weight that you should use is not by guessing. These easy steps could be of much help: Using a light weight, perform a practice set of whatever exercise you have chosen aiming at about 10 to 16 reps. The next time around, add to your weight by about 5 or more pounds and carry out the number of repetitions you are aiming at completing. If you are able to surpass the number of aimed at repetitions, then you should add up for the third set. The weight should be such that you can manage the desired repetitions and still finish while in good form.

What number of repetitions is the ideal number?

The number of repetitions to perform depends on your goals. For muscle building, the repetitions should be about 8 to 12 while for muscular endurance, 10 to 15 repetitions are recommended. You should definitely be aware that rest and recovery are just as important as working out regularly. These will also be determined by the goals that you set for yourself. The more weight that you lift, the longer the rest should be and vice versa. For the muscles to fully recover, a 48-hour rest between the workout sessions is the best practice.

Workout plans for total body fitness

Working out increases your metabolism, definition and building of your muscles. The increased metabolism gives you more energy everyday, helps to prevent you from gaining more weight, and strengthens your immune system. The muscle is an amazing body part that burns calories throughout the day. For example, a pound of muscles burns an average of 35 calories just sustaining its own existence.

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Author Resource : Bill has been an contributing writer for nearly 5 years. In addition to his normal topics of diet, fitness and weight training, you can also check out his latest websites on Under Sink Water Filters as well as Scissor Sharpener to see detailed information and consumer reports.